
Meet Georgia.

  • 1417150
  • Girl
  • 16
  • White or Caucasian

Learn More About Georgia

Those who know her best describe Georgia as a quirky, outgoing, and empathetic soul who is extremely resilient! When life throws hard things her way, Georgia has a way of just getting right back up and moving forward! One of the most difficult journeys for Georgia has been her diagnosis of Juvenile Diabetes. Georgia has graciously learned to accept that it is a part of her life and has since worked hard to learn from those around her about how to manage her health. With guidance, Georgia does a great job of monitoring her food intake and insulin needs. Georgia’s Permanency Team is hoping to find her a Forever Family who either has experience with Diabetes or can commit to learning how to care for Georgia’s ongoing medical needs.  

 Though it is a big part of her life, Georgia wants folks to know that her Diabetes does not define her! This beautiful girl has a multitude of likes and interests that will make her a great match for any family. Georgia is always inquisitive and loves asking questions and having long conversations about things she is interested in. Lately, many of those conversations have to do with her love of drawing and collecting anything related to Unicorns, Dragons and Elfin-like creatures. When she isn’t being creative, Georgia can most often be found outside riding bikes or playing tag or “Hello Neighbor” games with the neighborhood kids. She loves to be active and might like to do some type of organized sports once she is settled into her new home. Always trying to do her best in school gives Georgia a sense of pride and accomplishment and she wants people to know that she is really good at solving hard Math equations! Georgia has a deep love of animals and is really hoping that her adoptive family has pets for her to love! True to her caring personality, Georgia hopes to one day become either a police officer or a veterinarian.  

Georgia’s Permanency Team describes the best fit for her as a single mom, or possibly a two-mom family, however they are interested in hearing from any family who feels that they may be a great fit for her. Georgia is wonderful with little kids, however is not at her best in chaotic environments, so a family with either no other children in the home, or possibly just one other child, would be ideal for her. Caregivers who are calm, nurturing, consistent, active and who can be wonderful medical and educational advocates for her would be an amazing match for this deserving teen. We are confident that there is a family meant for Georgia out there who can meet every single one of her wishes and needs. If you think that you are the right family for Georgia, we would love to hear from you today!

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